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How do I feel better about criticism?

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Getting feedback on your writing or your WIP can be difficult, especially as you've probably put so much of your heart and time into this project but here are three tricks that will make taking feedback much easier.

Why do we need criticism?

Even global successes get bad reviews. Your writing won’t be liked by everyone and that’s okay - readers have different tastes.

But feedback, beta edits, and reader criticism are all to help you in the editing process.

Treat them like fresh eyes able to spot things in your work that you might not have noticed. Use it to make your work the best it can be.

How can I feel better about harsh criticism?

1. Treat it like someone else's work.

Disassociate a little from it so it doesn't hurt as much to hear bad things about the writing you've worked hard on.

2. Consider every critique as a valid point.

If you decide it's not relevant later, that's fine. But give it the benefit of the doubt first.

3. Remember, no first draft has ever been perfect.

"A first draft's only job is to exist."

Every classic novel, bestseller, and blockbuster was once a crappy first draft that got ripped apart by an editor or a beta reader with a red pen. That's where we start. It's up to you what you do with the feedback you've been given.

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